1a) Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself but reminds us of the words of Jesus and makes Him a reality
in our lives.
1b) Another spirit. The presence, power and gifts of this spirit are an overwhelming reality while Jesus is subtly moved
to the background.
2a) Holy Spirit. He convicts you of your sin so that you may understand the real causes of your problems.
2b) Another spirit. He instils nice and relaxed feelings in you so that you may be able to forget your problems.
3a) Holy Spirit. He is primarily working on the level of your spirit to quicken your spirit in a quiet way that
you may awake spiritually to hear the calling of God and put your trust in Him for salvation.
3b) Another spirit. He manifests his presence by way of sensual experiences such as thrills of joy, shivers on your body,
a tingling on your skin, or a power that causes you to levitate or to be pushed down on the floor.
4a) Holy Spirit. He leads you to the cross of Jesus where your burdens are lifted and where you are cleansed
from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
4b) Another spirit. He removes guilt complexes in his own right, without specific reference to the cross, and surrounds
you with light and joy. You are ever dependent upon him.
5a) Holy Spirit. If you act upon the Spirits conviction of sin and on the basis of Christs work of grace to
settle your case with God, the Spirit regenerates you into a new person who is reconciled to God.
5b) Another spirit. He causes physical experiences to make you think you are born again, but he does not regenerate your
heart. He only manipulates your feelings and creates false impressions in your heart.
6a) Holy Spirit. He keeps on convicting you of sin that you may be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, live a
holy life, walk in the light of Gods presence, and be very sensitive to sin and deception.
6b) Another spirit. He does not convict of sin, and has no problems to live with lies, deceit, distorted versions of the
truth, and fornication. He gives to people the false hope that they are saved and will go to heaven.
7a) Holy Spirit. He can easily be grieved by unfaithful Christians who deliberately yield to the lust of the
flesh. He will convict you of these sins that you may confess and forsake them, and recommit yourself to the Lord.
7b) Another spirit. He is not concerned about your sins. He will ignore them and make you feel guilty about other things.
If you are a fundamental believer he will charge you of being critical of others and devoid of love.
8a) Holy Spirit. He leads you to search your heart, confess and abandon all evil, and to trust God for a pure
heart. Cleansing by the blood of the Lamb and being filled with the Holy Spirit is Gods way to enable us to a life of victory.
8b) Another spirit. He guides you through a process of inner healing to a spiritual reprogramming of your life in which
the scars of the past, and even from before your birth, are put right by self-healing, positive confession and hypnotic regression.
9a) Holy Spirit. When He fills somebody, that person becomes holy, humble, and prepared to serve the Lord. He
is available to God and gets involved with evangelisation by reaching the lost world for Jesus Christ. He never exalts himself,
but lives and gives sacrificially for the cause of the gospel.
9b) Another spirit. He gives a person an entirely new self-image which borders on pride and arrogance. Such a persons
main purpose in life is a quest for new and more powerful spiritual gifts, and the attending of services where signs, miracles,
and new revelations regularly occur. Others are invited to these meetings.
10a) Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit can clearly be discerned where He is working and Jesus Christ is
exalted. It occurs on a spiritual level and induces people to humble and submit themselves to the Lord. The peace and joy
of the Lord fills their hearts.
10b) Another spirit. A foreign spirit gives a show of power to influence people and create the impression that they are
in the presence of the Lord. Because people want to experience this power in their lives, they readily open themselves up
to it. Without it they feel empty.
11a) Holy Spirit. He teaches you to pray. He helps our infirmities and intercedes for us. He gives us enlightened
eyes of the mind that we may understand the things of God, and be able to pray intelligently. He helps us to gird up the loins
of our mind and to be alert, sober and vigilant.
11b) Another spirit. He teaches people to meditate. They switch over to their right-brain to have mystical experiences
and to hear obscure voices. They empty their minds and withdraw themselves from reality to descend to the deeper levels of
their subconscious mind which is the world of the spirit.
12a) Holy Spirit. He controls the emotions and decisions of believers by enabling and empowering their regenerated
heart and spirit. The centre of a persons control changes from his self-centred mind to his quickened spirit.
12b) Another spirit. The emotions of people are manipulated by a foreign spirit and they act like hypnotised captives.
They would laugh, cry, roar, bleat, howl or bark without knowing why they do it. The spirit of delusion gains authority over